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Group of three female colleagues walking and having a conversation outside surrounded by plants.


We are committed to shaping a more sustainable built environment and addressing the climate emergency. 

We are integrating sustainability into every part of our business, transitioning into a low carbon economy. This includes improving the environmental management of our own operations while using our expertise to find relevant solutions for our clients across every sector. 

Turning over a new leaf: our commitment to net zero 

In June 2021, we launched our NewLeaf strategy, our long-term programmatic approach to meet our target of becoming net zero across our global business.  

Since setting this commitment, new guidance has been published against which we have realigned our targets and ambitions. Our new strategy will see us become net zero by 2040, reducing our emissions by 90% in that time. To support this, we have developed four key work streams to take practical steps to address our footprint as we grow.

Our environmental policy

Our environmental policy outlines our ambition to reduce our environmental impact. This builds on our commitments to climate action, responsible consumption and building sustainable cities and communities in accordance with UN Sustainable Development Goals 11, 12 and 13.

Acting on the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s warning about the increasing complexity around risk, in 2023 we further improved our approach to climate risk management by adopting more robust risk assessment methodologies.

Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures report 2023

Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures 2023

For further information contact:

Corporate responsibility team